Grammatical parsing algorithm based on expected categories 基于期待类型的Chart句法分析算法
Certain points in the parsing algorithm are said to be parse errors. 解析算法中的某些地方被视为解析错误。
Canonical LR Parsing Algorithm Based on State Backtracking Technique 基于状态回朔技术的规范LR分析算法
This paper presents a method of Chinese continuous speech recognition, which synthesizes speech and language processing with frame-synchronous parsing algorithm. 提出了一种语音处理和语言处理按帧同步统合的汉语连续语音识别方法。
With the execution of these semantic routines, some work such as type checking, intermediate code generation and optimization can be done, which makes the parsing algorithm a full and significative parsing technique. 通过执行语义动作,就可以进行类型检查、中间代码生成及优化等相关工作,使得该算法成为完整的扩展文法分析技术,并在实际运用中成为可能。
Improved BMP parsing algorithm for lr ( k) grammar LR(K)文法的改进的BMP分析算法
It is proposed that a top-down parsing algorithm with a chart structure is integrated with a semantical database. The semantical database is obtained while the syntax ingredient is analyzed by this method. 提出了图结构自顶向下分析算法同数据库语义相结合的方法,以此来完成句子结构的分析和句法成分数据库语义的获得。
The GP-GRAMMAR and the matching precedence parsing algorithm GP文法与匹配优先分析算法
This paper presents the optimal storage structure and parsing algorithm of XML schema document. Virtual link is adopted to improve efficiency according to the characteristic of XSD in parsing algorithm. 提出了XMLSCHEMA模式文档的优化存储结构和解析算法,解析算法中针对XSD文档特点采用虚拟链表,提高解析效率。
An Optimized Parsing Algorithm for CFG 一种时空优化的上下文无关文法的分析算法
The idea of the Role Inverse Algorithm is to combine the high space efficiency of Chart parsing algorithm and the high time efficiency of GLR parsing algorithm, so the comprehensive parsing efficiency can be highly improved. 角色反演算法思想是将Chart算法的高空间效率和广义LR算法的高时间效率有效地结合起来,从而大大提高了综合的分析效率。
Hierarchical LSD Rule Base and the Parsing Algorithm 一种层次化的LSD规则体系及其分析算法
An Efficient Parsing Algorithm for General Context-free Grammars 一般上下文无关文法的一个分析算法
This paper describes the architecture and functions of this system, and discusses detailedly two important algorithms in implementation, which are bracket matching algorithm and syntactic parsing algorithm. The preliminary experiment result shows that it performs well and it can achieve design goal. 本文概述了句法分析辅助系统的体系结构和基本功能,详细分析了系统实现中的两个关键算法,即括号匹配算法和句法解析算法,初步实验结果表明辅助系统效果良好,达到设计目的。
A nondirectional parsing algorithm and its application to recognition of waveform 一种无方向剖析算法及其在波形识别中的应用
Chinese Syntactic Parsing Algorithm Based on Segmentation of Punctuation 基于标点符号分割的汉语句法分析算法
By combining with Sentence-Type Parsing Algorithm and Clause-Type Parsing Algorithm, a heuristic search mechanism is also introduced to translate a source sentence into its corresponding target sentence automatically. 该方法以模板匹配替换通用算法(UAMRT)为基础,通过结合句型分析算法和从句分析算法建立启发式搜索机制,实现从源语言句子到目标语言句子的自动翻译。
Our experimental results have shown that comparing with the traditional Chart parsing algorithm, our approach can significantly reduce the time consumption and the numbers of ambiguous edges, and get about 7% of the correct rate and the recall rate increasing while parsing long Chinese sentences. 实验证明我们的方法与传统的一遍图表(chart)分析方法相比,能够大大减少时间消耗和歧义边的个数,并且提高了复杂长句分析的正确率和召回率约7%。
The Ear-ley algorithm is a good parsing algorithm in the natural language processing that can avoid the backtracking. Earley algorithm is tested in this paper. 在种种自然语言分析算法中,Earley算法可以避免回溯,因此,本文采用Earley算法来分析花园幽径句,完全避免了回溯。
This paper shows a parsing algorithm, which can be used to parse canonical LR ( K) grammar, but it needs only as many states as LALR ( K) does. 本文给出了一个分析算法,能分析正规的LR(K)文法,但所用的状态数目与LALR(K)相同。
An efficient parsing algorithm on node label context free graph grammar 一种有效的结点标号上下文无关图文法分析算法
Chart Parsing Algorithm is one of the most common Parsing Algorithms recently, and the algorithm's accuracy is greatly referring to the constituent selected from Agenda. 线图(Chart)分析算法是目前常用的几个句法分析算法之一,而如何从Agenda中选择成分极大地影响了分析算法精确性。
LR ( k) is a very important kind of grammar, but its parsing algorithm which is constructed by a canonical method needs quite many states and very large store space. Therefore LR ( k) is inadequate in actual applications. LR(k)是很重要的一类文法,但是用正规方法构成的分析算法,需要过多的状态和很大的存储空间,因此它不适合于实际应用。
The motivation of adopting the Generalized LR ( GLR) parsing algorithm to construct parsers for programming languages is presented. 阐述了在程序设计语言语法分析器的构造中采用通用LR(generalizedLR,简称GLR)分析算法的动机。
With the experiment of the shallow parsing algorithm based on the rules and statistics, the results show that the predicate identification precision of the method in this thesis is high. 通过与基于规则与统计的浅层句法分析算法作对比实验,本文的方法在谓语识别上具有较高准确率。
In all related algorithms carrying on link analysis and extracting group, HITS ( Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) is a kind of afterwards parsing algorithm that most widely used. At present there are many related applications in Web structure mining system. 在所有对页面进行链接分析并提取分组的算法中,HITS算法是应用最为广泛的一种事后分析算法,目前在不少的Web结构挖掘系统中都有相关的应用。
The automatic parsing algorithm for HDS can realize the concrete deductive process for HDS. 而HDS的自动分析算法可以实现HDS的具体演绎过程。
The thesis selects Cascaded Conditional Random Fields as the multi-layer model. Finally, a parsing algorithm based on local optimization for decoding the sentence is proposed. 本文选用层叠条件随机场作为多层分析模型。最后,在解码方式上本文使用局部最优化的搜索算法对句子进行解码。
Complete the GPU to the maximum likelihood calculate spectral line parsing algorithm. 4. 完成了GPU端的极大似然算谱线解析算法。
Based on the mechanism of replication, a directory parsing algorithm is provided. 在基于副本机制的基础上设计了一种基于副本的目录解析算法。